How Preload® Balance works?

Preload® Balance is a drink based on medicinal nutrition therapy (read more about it here). The purpose of the nutrient drinking is to give the body saturation system a “false start” by adding a small amount of nutritional concentrate before meal.

The saturation system “false start” makes one feel certain saturation right at the beginning of meal. The stomach emptying also slows down. It makes blood sugar response to the taken meal more uniform, i.e. the energy peak comes later and is not so pronounced. This means that less insulin is produced, and with a number of positive aftereffects. Balanced blood sugar content affects us positively, giving consistent energy and less cravings for food between meals. However, a sharply fluctuating blood sugar with high peaks replaced by downfalls of the sugar content stimulates hunger and leads to craving for sweets between meals.

Another effect of the saturation system “false start” is that food intakes automatically become smaller and better balanced. One gets more hungry for healthy food and less for fast carbohydrates when the saturation system is activated, and hunger abates.

Several international scientific studies (read more about them here) have demonstrated that Preload® Balance is excellent and provides long-term and sustainable results.

An easy to read brochure on Preload® Balance can be downloaded below.